I love Counterpunch, as my regular reader will know. Forget about the fact that it's supposed to be an organ of the "far left". That just means that it's too rude for solemn types to take seriously. Nor does it marginalise itself through being self-consciously alternative. Some of its contributors do affect an overly plangent and whiny tone, but overall it's the only red-meat, shit-stirring, raspberry-blowing political rag out there which actually wants to strangle George Bush with the intestines of John Kerry.
I think we can all agree that this is a laudable aim. Who cares whether it's a practical one?
And now the boys have been gravedigging. A mere 201 years from his own gory end, Maximilien Robespierre rises from the grave to predictThermidor for the US in Iraq.
(Outside the US, the best foreign shit stirring oscar goes to the eXile).