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October 18, 2005


mr k

What ARE the conservative parties opinions on drug use? I assume David will be all for allowing users to avoid any kind of jail sentence, as he can by chuckling about it. What is it about politicans that they can get away with crimes that the lesser mortals can't?

Oh yeah, they rule the country... still...


"...we can knock off an actual leader of the opposition?"

Why not sit on it for another four years and scalp a prime minister-to-be during the election campaign?

Phil Hunt

What ARE the conservative parties opinions on drug use?

Drug users are all evil depraved individuals who deserve to be locked up. Unless they are Tory MPs, of course. Or sons of Jack Straw. Then they are decent honourable people showing a regrettable but understandable human weakness.


Dude, the party of Churchill already had Churchill for a leader!

Paddy Carter

I know this question is naive, bordering on the cretinously so, but:

1. everybody knows evasions amount to an admission, so ...
2. everybody know that David Cameron has taken cocaine, and ...
3. nobody seems to care

so for the love of God why can't he just admit it?


Confucious believed that the performance of ritual was the cornerstone of the state, and this is a sort of neo-Confucian ritual. If someone just said "yeah, I took a bunch of drugs so what" the world as we know it would end.

Which maybe it would. Once people start getting the idea that what politicians do doesn't matter, they might also start getting funny notions about their relationships as individuals with the state.

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