Oh, lordy: here we go again:
I have a book out, What's Left? on the disastrous turning of the European liberal mainstream from their allies in the poor world and the gruesome alliances between pseudo-leftists and ultra-reactionaries. The Nabil case backs it up. With the honourable exceptions of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and, naturally, British bloggers, there have been no protests here.
via. So with the exception of the protestors and the protests they made, there have been no protests. Now, the first blogger to be jailed anywhere as far as I know was a psychology graduate in China called Liu Di, who blogged under the name “stainless steel mouse” and who was jailed without trial for a year in 2002 after calling for Beijing to release political dissidents.
With a few honourable objections like Amnesty International, there were no protests here, not even from bloggers. There weren’t many around, you say. And I ask, why not? Doesn’t the fact that they weren’t protesting about that but protesting about other things or not protesting at all or hadn’t even heard of blogs demonstrate the deep malaise of the Liberal left?
And where was Nick? Berserk with hatred of anti-war demonstrators and obsessed with forming alliances with reactionary and theocratic forces across the United States and the West he couldn’t even bring himself to recognize his real allies...
Somebody give me a contract. I can do this all day.
great stuff. keep up the good work.
Posted by: tom s. | February 25, 2007 at 10:08 PM
Marc Mulholland has just made the excellent point on my blog that this makes no fucking sense - Mubarak's Egypt is about the staunchest ally of the US and the most implacable opponenent of Islamism that there is.
Posted by: dsquared | February 27, 2007 at 01:41 PM