I’ve got a kind of antimatter opinion problem over the Rushdie knighthood thing. I’ve never read any of his work and don’t intend to, have no respect for the honours system and don’t wish to do what a bunch of effigy burners want me to do. I can’t say he should have got it because that implies it’s worth having and that he’s worth giving it to. I can’t say he shouldn’t have it because that also implies that it’s worth having and that the effigy burners are worth listening to, somewhat the worse alternative. I’d like to say that I just don’t care, which I don’t really, but I get pulled towards it somehow through sheer weight of indifference. So there you go.
The logical conclusion then is that he should have got it. What better recipient of an irrelevance than a nonentity?
Posted by: ajay | June 27, 2007 at 02:29 PM