Interesting detail from yesterday’s attack on Mrs 30%:
Ms Bhutto, who praised those who died while protecting her as heroes, said she did not blame the government for the attack but called for an inquiry as to why street lights had been switched off during her procession."If the street lights had been on," she said "We would have spotted the suicide bombers...
She’s fingering the ISI for at least facilitating the hit. Also:
Television footage showed onlookers running towards the vehicle after the first blast, only to be caught in the second explosion. Party official Qasim Zia said Ms Bhutto had descended into the vehicle to use the bathroom at the time of the explosion.
Sounds like fear management, as pioneered in Iraq.
The ISI are disgusting goons and maybe they were involved. Still, opining that 'The street lights only go out in a Pakistani city if the ISI sabotages them' is a little like saying 'MI5 dirty tricks are the only possible explanation for a rainy day in London'.
Posted by: Dan Hardie | October 19, 2007 at 03:31 PM
What's the Al-Jazeera documentary wehere the journalist says something like "if a water pipe bursts in Damascus they blame it on Mossad"?
Posted by: ejh | October 19, 2007 at 06:25 PM
Good point Dan: but the other explanation is that she popped up out of a pile of corpses and started electioneering (I presume the MQM are running against her), which is pretty resilient. Mind you...
Posted by: jamie | October 19, 2007 at 06:42 PM