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January 09, 2008



class conflict has been a motor of democratisation in many societies


Nick L

Much to the consternation of Marx and Engels, the exact same thing happened in Europe in 1848: http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1852/18th-brumaire/ch01.htm

There's no reason this should have surprised anyone, therefore. In any case 'the comforting idea that capitalism, and the growth of a prosperous bourgeoisie, will inevitably lead to liberal democracy' has little basis in large n statistical studies that would be needed to support such a general statement. The evidence, rather, suggests that all political systems are unstable *except* wealthy democracies. There is not much evidence that rich dictatorships transform into democracies, just that if they *do* collapse and become democracies they won't revert in the foreseable future.


Ah, the 18 Brumaire. Napoleon III got a lot of support from peasants endowed with smallholdings after the big estates were broken up following the revolution, which is interesting given the new laws on private property ownership in China...

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