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January 09, 2008


john b

Exactly what I was thinking when I read the piece (and Dan's piece). I'm fairly sure Ed Jones assumed that, because the houses in Salford look like the houses in Moss and the people are about as poor, the area ran on similar rules. Which was an error.

(there are rules that allow you to live in dodgy parts of Salford and befriend the local heavies without serious trouble, but they're about as different from Ed's strategy as you can possibly get. The people I know who've lived in 'rough Salford' and not hated it are from Northern Ireland, which I suspect means growing up with quite a similar dynamic...)


It wouldn't be what they left NI to get away from?

Igor Belanov

I lived in a part of Salford for a year and I wouldn't say the atmosphere was intimidating or threatening, but eerie at times. You could walk back from central Manchester on an evening and not see anyone, not people walking dogs, drinkers coming out of pubs or youths hanging round on street corners. Just utter quiet and the odd car or taxi screeching by. The local shops had dilapidated about as far as 30 year old buildings could, and the local off licence was fortified to a greater extent than the Maginot Line. A very strange area.


It's a bit like that in parts of London N1: for instance, if you walk from Old Street tube to the Wenlock Arms, through and past some big estates, it can be startling how deserted it is.


I used to live on the outskirts of Salford and it always amazed me how even the dogs walked in pairs!


I spent a short time in Salford, just 5-10 min walk from the city centre. Lots of rather unpleasant things would happen in the area and be on the news (usual stuff, a murder here, a gun attack there). I never had any trouble, even walking back drunk from the city centre at three in the morning...but thats because you never saw a soul....as some else said, it was eerie!

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