Simon Kuper meets Seymour Hersh, who laments the good old days.
“I swear, as much as I couldn’t stand Kissinger, if Kissinger were in the [current Bush] government, I’d be easier – because I know this madness that’s played out in front of us every day would be tied to whatever Kissinger’s game would be, probably to some contract or oil deal. Somebody would know what the reality is.”
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
You're the Doctor of my dreams
With your crinkly hair and your glassy stare
And your machiavellian schemes
I know they say that you are very vain
And short and fat and pushy
But at least you're not insane
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
And wishing you were here
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
You're so chubby and so neat
With your funny clothes and your squishy nose
You're like a German parakeet
All right so people say that you don't care
But you've got nicer legs than Hitler
And bigger tits than Cher
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
And wishing you were here
Posted by: Fellow Traveller | August 03, 2008 at 03:10 AM
That's teh funny. It's just a matter of accepting the obvious rather than making up stories about 'Islamic Psywars'. Islamic my ass. I know full well where disinformation central resides.
Regardless, see how this little model of obscurity and vagueness resonates with your perceptions
( Yes, I do British humour )
Posted by: opit | August 04, 2008 at 03:34 PM