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January 20, 2009



We could, I think, have done without the dancing.

Chris Williams

I've limited myself to watching the youtube of Pete Seager (fair brought tears to my eyes, it did) and studying the text of BHO's address for clues. I can whole-heartedly recommend this course of action for next time this sort of thing happens - forex when the nonagenerian Boss sings hail to the first black woman POTUS.


Re. Toynbee - there's a nasty-minded part of me imagining her deliberately finding some black friends to hang out with just for this moment, rather than sitting in the Guardian canteen with her colleagues and punching the air when the son of Jor-El was sworn in. That said, Toynbee's fangasm routine's got pretty thin after Blair, Brown, Miliband, Brown (again), and now Obama).

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