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July 07, 2011


Richard J

Remarkably, the positive Amazon reviews don't show the tell-tale signs of astroturfing.


The more significant part of the Amazon page is the bit that says "Paperback: from £0.01".


Wasn't something like that blurb one of the subplots in A View To A Kill?

john b

"Oh, shit, you mean it's not the Nathan Barley and Screenwipe guy"? Yes, I know that isn't how it happened.


Sorry, I am obviously being very slow today - I just realised who owns Harpers.

John Carter

Ajay, FYI the 1p resale value is pretty typical for paperbacks on Amazon (sellers can still make a small profit from the postage, providing it's a light book).


john b - I thought it was that "would you or wouldn't you?" girl from Eastenders.

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