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May 09, 2012



Seems to be a problem with the first link.

(amended now, thanks for the tip - JK)


Coco Chanel, L'Oréal and Hugo Boss, meanwhile, were on the other side.

Barry Freed

Wow, well I'll never wear Chanel again.


You're switching to Balenciaga?


I know you mean "the other side" in general terms, but I have decided instead to believe that all three of them were regularly having punchups in Bethnal Green.


With Nina Ricci on the sidelines screeching "Deck 'im, Hugo! Put the boot in, my son!"

Richard J

And not one of them could get into Ralph Lauren's country club.


Ralph Lauren was a jewish tie salesman, old sport, rather like Jay Gatz.

Here's a story about L'Oreal's man in the US hunting down and eliminating Helena Rubinstein.

SF Reader

House of Guerlain still pitching it in from the other side, broadly speaking:

Sad thing is this dude is younger than Sassoon, and yet oh soooooo old. World is a strange, odd place.


Good link, bert.

Someone needs to suggest this to Adam Tooze, if he's looking for another book subject. It'd be the perfect demographic crossover topic.

Richard J

Ralph Lauren was a jewish tie salesman, old sport, rather like Jay Gatz.

You know, I rather thought this was the case. Bah. That'll teach me not to do my research.

Barry Freed

If you had to grow up in the Bronx with the surname of Lifshitz you'd probably change it too.


John Galliano, of course, joined Team Drunken Anti-Semitic Rant.

I think Alexander McQueen would have picked better.


So the entire fashion industry is made up of people who are either Jewish, anti-semitic, or crazed by malnutrition? It must be quite a place to work.

sf reader

I don't think Galliano was crazed by malnutrition, I think he is just fou tout court. Although alcohol does only contribute empty calories . . .


No, Galliano would be category 2.

sf reader

Agreed, with an extraordinarily unhealthy dose of the third, each potentiating each other - how lovely!


So the entire fashion industry is made up of people who are either Jewish, anti-semitic, or crazed by malnutrition?

Something similar could be said of high-level chess for much of the last century.

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