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January 14, 2013



"Something to think about for advocates of localisation."

What, you mean like "great, the plebs will stay where they are put or born, that'll make life easier."


To put it in Victorian (or rather earlier) context, the mortality rate in orphanages and baby farms was shockingly high. 80% or 90%. It was a legally permissible version of the naturally evolved response to childbearing in resource-strained environments, which is infanticide. (Or, as we call it now, "cot death".)

chris y

Something to think about for advocates of localisation.

There are more interests in play than just the benefit recipients of course. Under the parish system women in labour would occasionally be carried across the parish boundary to give birth, so that the child didn't become a charge on the parish. Do we look forward to council officers in Leeds slipping ambulance drivers a twenty to take people to hospitals in Bradford?

Richard J

(Or, as we call it now, "cot death".)

About 1 in 10, per the only estimate I can find easily, albeit from 1985.


1 in 10 cot deaths is homicide, according to this estimate from 2004. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1719922/pdf/v089p00443.pdf

Igor Belanov

"Do we look forward to council officers in Leeds slipping ambulance drivers a twenty to take people to hospitals in Bradford?"

No, because that reduces the chances of us hospital staff here in Leeds getting on the telly.

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