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November 12, 2013



Well, the flip side of "we were right all along" is "we're not changing a thing", right?


Sadly some of the more amusing implications (What do we want? Moderate prosperity! When do we want it? Within a reasonable timeframe!) are translation artefacts. One man's "middle-class society" is another's set phrase alluding to a period of peace and prosperity.

Regardless, it's still a grand array of goals sufficiently vague to render future success or failure unverifiable.

Chris Williams

Yet another triumph for the Party of Moderate Progress Within The Limits Of The Law. Score one more to Hasek.

PS Happy Birthday to you.


Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Forty pounds of human eyeballs
Happy birthday to you!


Happy birthday! In line with previous seasonal offerings, here is some footage of Mao meeting Kim Il Sung in 1975 with small cameo by Deng:


Doesn't look like Mao remembered who Kim was for the first two minutes or so of the handshake.

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